Condolences for Noel Dahl
I just learned of Noel's passing through the Viterbo University Strides magazine, spring edition. Noel was my home economics intern for a short time at La Crescent High School in La Crescent Min. I have been reminiscing over our time together. I hadn't been a teacher for very long when Viterbo asked if I would take on an intern. She and I bonded right away! Noel was wonderful! With her input, we made our classes a lot of fun for our students. We were not the stuffy Home Economics teachers that some of you remember. We even had a class for boys called Bachelor Survival. I have no doubt that Noel became a fantastic teacher in the following years. Noel visited me in the hospital when I had my first child. Her comment was "what a big head!" She thought the doctor was wise to deliver Scott C-section! Noel knew all about babies because she had five of her own! Noel, you will forever be in my heart! Please watch over all of us!
From Carol Spencer
I love that picture of Noel. It catches who is was to a "T".
I am going to miss her smile, her words of encouragement and her positive outlook on everything. God has used her to impact many ladies at Bible Study. I met her when she started bringing another woman to study. She faithfully brought her each week and together they ministered to many ladies.
This past year or more I have seen her put her faith into her Lord and Savior as she endured one physical challenge after another. She has left a legacy that will encourage others as they remember her.
Praying for you all as you adjust to your los.
From Sally House
I love that picture of Noel!! It captures her to a "T".
I feel blessed to have known her through Ladies Bible Study. She always radiated confidence in who she was in Christ Jesus and reflected Him as she approached each physical challenge she has endured these last few years.
She knew that her end was coming and clearly wanted to prepare those around her and yet it is still hard. She will be missed and, yet, I know she is basking in the Savior's Love.
Praying for all of you as you adjust to your loss. May God continue to guide and direct you as you walk out your grief.
From Sally House
Vern and Family, I am so sorry for the loss of your wife and mother. Noel was always so friendly and welcoming. Her beautiful legacy will live through all of you. Sending you love and prayers. May the wonderful memories of her give you peace. â¤ï¸.
From Jackie Strutt
I taught with Noel at Sparta Middle School during her tenure there. I was fortunate to receive a recipe from her for Calico Beans using a crock pot. Her recipes were valued by all of us! Every time I made that dish, I thought of Noel, and I know that will be the case in the future. Just saying her name brings a smile to my face. You're getting one of the Good ones, Lord!
From Nancy L Schaitel
So sorry to read about Noel's death. She was a very nice lady and glad I got to know Vern too.
My Deepest Sympathy goes out to your families.
From Karen B Rice
I've only known Noel for a short time through the Ladies Bible Study at Christ Is Lord Church. What a special, humble, loving and caring person. What a heritage she left her family. Please accept my sympathy but also, joy in knowing she is with her Saviour.
From Beverly Jaderston
My thoughts and prayers to the Dahl family. Sorry for your loss. When Dave and I moved back to the neighborhood Noel was one of the first neighbors to welcome me to the neighborhood. Noel will be missed. Thinking of the family.
Sincerely, Mary McClintock & family
From Mary McClintock
Noel was quite a gal! We enjoyed her SOOOO much at our New Image Women's Ministry Bible Study. Such a faithful woman of God and a faithful group leader to many! Noel was so clever, cheerful and helpful.
She will be MISSED!!
Kristi Nelson
From Kristi Nelson
Condolences to Vern and all the Dahl/Brown families. Noel was a great wife, mother, grand-mother, sister, friend, and follower of God. Growing up she was my "town mom" and the Dahl house was a landing place for me and I was always welcome. I shared my youth with Mark, Dave and Dick and Noel was so supportive to all. Kool-Aid and treats were a regular occurrence. She shared her two daughters Lisa and Janet with my mother Marge and that truly brought a lot of joy to my mom. She had a special place in her heart for Lid and Janet.
Noel shared her faith and church life with my family and with my mother in Bible studies and service. In the later part of my mother's life, Noel was so kind and thoughtful to my mom and was family. That is just who Noel was and the world is a better place because of all the love she shared. I will miss the Christmas baking that she annually blessed our family with.
Love to all, Phil & Cindi
From Philip and Cindi Manske