Condolences for Dale Lockington

Dale was always a Good Friend of mine. He was always up beat,great guy.Thoughts and Prayers to the Lockington Family R.I.P. Dale
From Norman Aylsworth

Dale was a cousin of mine. I am so sorry for your loss. Dale and Lois were always there for any family doings be they weddings and or funerals and I always appreciated that
From Sandra Seales

Dale was my cousin. I am so sorry to hear of his passing. My deepest condolences to Lois and the family. My family will never forget Dale and Lois making the drive to Madison for the visitation and funeral of my husband Dale Mielke. They were the first ones to arrive at the visitation and stayed overnight and came to the funeral the next day. That meant a lot to our family.
From Marla (Wakefield) Mielke