Condolences for Mathew Brasic

To the entire family of Matt: I became friends with Matt several years ago while working in the Urgent Care at Mayo Onalaska. I thoroughly enjoyed his jokes, encouragement, and expertise. When he decided to go back to school we chatted about his path, patients scenarios and NP jobs. I really appreciated the friendship. I’m heartbroken for all of you. He shared a lot about his family. His trips up north to Alaska. He also shared stories of his beautiful children and Gerlyn. I wish we all had more time with him. Peace to you Matt! Prayers for you all during this time and always. Julie Smith
From Julie Smith

Wishing Matt's family comfort and peace as you grieve your loss. I have very fond memories of Matt, including acting opposite him as seniors at Valdez HS. He was so smart, funny with a dry humor and warm heart. May he rest in peace.
From Melissa Meller Libretta

My deepest condolences to your family. Matt was a colleague and received many praises from the patients he cared for. He had a wonderful spirit which will be missed by many. My thoughts to you.
From Brea Veldboom

I had the pleasure of working with Matt in the old Gundersen Trauma and Emergency Center. I was a new graduate nurse and I learned so much from him. I remember him for his brain and sense of humor. What a loss.
From Traci Segar

Dear Gerlyn, Danika, Elizabeth, Brasic and Heil families, Our deepest condolences to you all. His legacy will be that he has been a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, nephew, grandson and friend. Matt has positively touched so many lives and will be missed but never forgotten! May you all take comfort in remembering the good times you all shared together. May he rest in eternal comfort and peace.
From Kalah and Joe Haug

I'm so sorry to hear this. Just this year Dr Brasic helped me deal with some really bad allergies. I had to go to Express Care three times in January & he was working. I always wanted him to be my Primary Physician. He was a great NP. God Bless Dr Brasic & his family. My thoughts & prayers are with you.
From Jen Ostricki

My thoughts and prayers go out to Matt's family and friends. Matt and I worked together @ Mayo. Working side by side with Matt was such a joy. Matt was so extremely intelligent. I will never forget the day he performed a life saving procedure on a patient which left the doctor even in awe of his abilities. I am thankful that we were friends and I miss you. Fly high, buddy.
From Connie Kinyon

I am so very sorry. I truly enjoyed working with Matt over the years both at Mayo and while he worked at Trane. He was always so encouraging to me and was a joy to interact with.
From Marlis O'Brien

I am so sorry to hear of Matt’s passing. My sympathy to all of you. Matt was always a joy to work with. What a loss
From Karen Beneke

Matt was so loveable and so loved. This is such a loss. Sending thoughts and prayers for God's comforting grace and presence to you all and all those who loved Matt. Thank you for bring attention to the mission of the Mini Donut Foundation.
From Amy Jo

He was in my class. So smart and funny. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
From Chris Forbush

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and the girls. With deepest sympathy, Marcia
From Marcia Kendall

Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. My prayers are with you and your family.
From Laurie Werner

I am so sorry to learn about the loss of your husband, Gerlyn. I am sending thoughts and prayers of comfort and strength your way. I’m also here if you need anything.
From Shellie Sonnentag

Gerlyn, Danika, & Zero, I hope you find comfort in those that surround you with love in this time of grief. We are all here for you and are keeping you in our hearts. Sending love and prayers from Alaska.
From Cindy Powell

Matt was a nurse practitioner colleague at the Express Care Clinic where I had the great pleasure of getting to know this kind and thoughtful man with a very witty and dry sense of humor. I always looked forward to working with him and laughing at another Matt "dad joke". I will truly miss him. My deepest condolences to Gerlyn, Danika, Elizabeth and his extended family.
From Deb Miller

Our hearts go out to you, Gerlyn, Danika, Elizabeth and the rest of the family. We loved Matt dearly and he will never be forgotten. He was one of a kind, a truly nice person with a huge heart. We are here for you. Much love...
From Dan and Laura